
week 4 (october 16-20)

Helloo !! This week our teacher introduced about the triptychs and he explained some examples and how we can create them in order to create our own triyptich about any topic. This picture is just an example of what i´m talking about. I also have to bring this homework printed by Monday, October 23rd so that the teacher can review us and see which topic we select to talk about but actually today i showed to my teacher my homework hehe I made it about the importance of learning languages because I have always found this aspect very important. Personally, I usually learn self-taught, for example, i learned Korean by myself, actually it's really easy and nothing difficult as i taught. In today's class (friday) the teacher introduced us new tasks, for example we have to do a resume assuming that we are looking for a job and also i have to record myself explaining what i´m able to do in order to get a job and be selected to work in a company. Also i'm looking forward of how I am ...

week 3 (october 02-06)

Hi again !! This week our teacher told us to create 2 infographics: one individual about any topic and another group one, to then present them in Classroom. He left us examples in Classroom on how to create them and then decide which app made it easier for us to do it and i really like Canva so i used this app. This is an example about infographics. I made my individual infographic about tips for health mental because i think this is something that everyone has to know to keep our minds strong. The class was on Friday so I spent my weekend chilling and watching videos of my favorite groups, also i spent my free time getting to know about a new kpop boy group that just debuted this month and i find them really cute look at them !! Anywayss i was very happy hehe See you then bye...

week 2 (september 18-22)

holaa Durante esta semana con mi equipo de esta materia, grabamos el comercial sobre nuestro producto atribuyéndole alguna función tecnológica suponiendo que la gente lo compra y funciona para cumplir con un obejtivo. También aprendí a hacer un juego de preguntas con Slides, agregando enlaces para ir de una diapositiva a otra para que quien lo vea se entretenga, y también podemos ir insertando GIFs como por ejemplo este:   e imágenes interactivas y hacer esa actividad me pareció muy entretenido y divertido intentando adivinar los juegos de mis otros compañeros. Nos pidió el profe de igual manera compartir nuestros blogs para que queden en la plataforma Classroom y así nosotros podemos actualizarlo cada semana sobre lo que vayamos aprendiendo.

september 11-15.

 hi ! This is my first time doing a blog haha. It makes me feel a little bit excited. This week we learned how to create our own blog page, this is the address of mine: cam127.blogspot.com On Monday we learned how to add links to a text, for example click here to listen one of my favorite songs ! We can add an image too, for example here's a pic of my favorite boy group